APP, Associate Members and Emeritus Status Membership Dues - Indiana Orthopaedic Society
Annual membership dues for APP, Associate Members, and Emeritus status are $150. Indiana Orthopaedic Society is a 501C6 organization (Tax ID# 6055587) and your professional fees may be deductivle for federal income tax purposes and necessary business expense. Consult with your tax advisor to find out.
We also urge you to support our IOS PAC and IOS Foundation in the annual amount of at least $100 for each. The IOS PAC is a Indiana State legislation PAC. PAC money is distributed to state government committees and legislators who support our interests during legislative sessions. The IOS Foundation sponsors orthopaedic residents at the National Orthopaedic Leadership Conference, Annual Meeting Resident Paper Awards, and other selected projects.
IOS PAC Suggested Contribution: $100 (Not Tax-Deductible)
IOS Foundation Suggested Contribution: $100 (Yes, Tax-Deductible)
If you have questions concerning your membership, please call Kellye Mitros 574-360-4154.